This money market account is a great way to maximize your earnings by using excess funds to grow your business savings.
- Business Advantage Money Market1
- Minimum opening deposit $50
- $15.97 service charge if balance falls below $50,000
- Tiered rate structure - Earn variable rate of interest when average collected balance is $50,000 or more. Rates can change at any time.
- Unlimited ATM withdrawals2
- Unlimited Deposits3
- No limit to inside bank transactions
- Limited to 6 withdrawals or transfers per month2
¹Sweep fee (auto transfer) - One (1) free per statement cycle. A $5.97 fee will be imposed for any sweep (auto transfer) greater than one (1) per statement cycle. 2Federal banking laws define money market accounts as those with limited withdrawals. During any statement cycle, you may not make more than six (6) withdrawals or transfers to another account of yours or to a third party by means of preauthorized or automatic transfer or telephone order or instruction, computer transfer, or by check, draft, debit card or similar order to a third party. If you exceed these limitations, the bank may convert your account to another type of account that allows unlimited withdrawals which could be non-interest bearing; or we may restrict all electronic debit transactions on your account. Upon repeated violations, the decision may be made to close the account. Loan payments to CB&S Bank, ATM withdrawals and withdrawals in person are limited. A $3.97 fee will be imposed for any withdrawals/debits greater than six (6) per statement cycle. 3CB&S Bank may limit the amount deposited to an aggregate of $1 million.