Enjoy easy access to your money while maximizing your savings with a premium rate! All you need to start is a Star Rewards Account.
- Minimum opening deposit of $25,000
- Earn a premium rate of interest on the average daily balance of the account¹
- Three free withdrawals or transfers per month. Each additional withdrawal subject to additional withdrawal fees. Maintain $2,500 minimum balance to avoid additional withdrawal fees²
- Star Rewards Account Required. (Click here for required checking account details.)¹
¹Rate subject to change after the account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. The following requirements must be met in order to earn the premium Star Rewards Savings rate: 1) must receive electronic statement; 2) must maintain $25,000 minimum balance in the account each day; 3) guaranteed minimum APY will apply if balance falls below $25,000 or if Star Rewards Account qualifications are not met. Star Rewards Account qualifications are: 1) ten (10) debit card transactions per qualification cycle (point of sale only), transactions must be posted and settled to account; 2) one (1) direct deposit or ACH per qualification cycle; 3) must receive only electronic statements. A qualification cycle for Star Rewards Account is the period beginning one day prior to the current statement through one day prior to the close of the current statement.
²A fee will be charged for withdrawals/debits greater than three (3) per month. The fee will not be charged if you maintain an average daily balance of $2,500 or more.