Workplace Advantage allows employers to team up with CB&S Bank to offer a package of convenient banking services to their employees. This package is offered at no charge, which saves employees both time and money.
Enjoy the convenience of Personal Digital Banking with all accounts.
Star Account
- No monthly service charge
- $50 minimum balance to open account
- Unlimited check writing
- Debit card
- First order of personalized checks free
- Choose from eStatements or paper statements without images
Safe Deposit Box
- 50% off the first year's annual fee on Safe Deposit Boxes - for sizes up to 5 x 10 (Subject to availability)
Free Retirement Plan Review
- Have our Investment Planning Representative review your current retirement plan to see if any changes need to be considered
Free Insurance Plan Review
- Have our Insurance Planning Representative review your current insurance plan to see if any changes need to be considered.
Special Loan Rates¹
- Interest rate on personal loans reduced by .25% when payments are automatically deducted from your checking account
- Same day decision on most loan requests
Mortgage Loans¹
- $100 discount on closing costs on all home purchases
Star Savings
An easy savings plan can help you reach your short-term and long-term savings goals. Design your savings plan to fit your needs and start saving today.
- No minimum opening deposit
- Three free withdrawals or transfers per month. Each additional withdrawal subject to additional withdrawal fees. Maintain $2,500 minimum balance to avoid additional withdrawal fees²
- No monthly service charge if your minimum balance is $50 or more³
- Pay yourself first by setting up automatic transfers from your CB&S Bank Star Account to your CB&S Bank Star Savings
¹ All credit services subject to credit approval. Does not apply to refinancing.
² A fee will be charged for withdrawals/debits greater than three (3) per month. The fee will not be charged if you maintain an average daily balance of $2,500 or more. Deposit regulations allow a total limit of 6 withdrawals/debits per month to maintain a savings account; account is subject to closure and/or account transaction suspension or excessive transactions.
³ A service charge is assessed monthly if the balance falls below $50.00.